
dysmenorrhea |ˌdismenəˈrēə| ( Brit. dysmenorrhoea) noun Medicine painful menstruation, typically involving abdominal cramps.
ouch. i had menstrual cramps since last saturday. yes, during my rotc training. i fainted last saturday.
my menstrual cramps was so bad. curling up and lying down in a couch was not enough.
so what did i do then?
1. ate a lot.
2. ate caramello con pastillas ice cream
3. played ice cream machine
4. arboring the couch outside the matanglawin cubicle to lie down in
5. ate chunky mint and chips better than ice cream
6. drank large kiwi strawberry from country style (i love!)
7. write in a blog
8. ate pecan cluster ice cream blizzard from dairy queen
yes... you can deduce from that that i craved, needed, craved, needed, craved and craved for ice cream.
but unfortunately i was not able to go to gateway because of sudden rainshower. unlucky me.
iceeeee creaaaammmmmm
i am still a living accessory. i wonder when will i ever be alive here.
wicked... swords! fencing! european martial arts in the flesh. it seemed like a wake up call for me that i should get up and buy a sword. as soon as now. i just love swordsmanship. too bad its just too manly that's why its getting toooo boring. it just gets exciting when the female species get into the scene already. woohoo!
political science.
congratulations adeline claire! i was not able to sleep in my polsci 100 class today. good job for me. i better be because i am having my first long exam on friday. oh gawd. i wonder what the heck i would write in my beloved bluebook on friday.
just a commercial.
in my intact class, the guidance lady asked who is responsible for the increase of the oil prices. and then my student said 'papa lord.' oh dear god. please please lower down the prices.
back to the show.
last saturday, while my mom, my ninang and i were eating breakfast, my mom just blurted out that i will start to have my driving lessons on semestral break. yay! and after my eighteenth birthday, i will drive my way to school already. yay! i mean duh... we will be moving to taguig/makati next year and i am studying in quezon city. for crying out loud. i better be driving myself already. and besides, i am getting older. too bad for my sister, she is such a scaredy cat; she does not want to drive alone. and the clincher: SHE IS ALREADY 22 YEARS OLD. poor creature.
but what is important... i will have my wheels na. =)) lols.
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as much as i want to end this entry now, obviously... there is no internet connection at bellarmine. bellarmine is like the province of ateneo. far far away from the civilization.
what will i still do... (by the way it is 303 pm at the time i am writing or rather typing this)
1. pandayan meeting
2. withdraw moolah
3. buy prepaid cards
4. study for (heaven forbid) economics
5. get tickets for tomorrow's play
*EXCUSE MY SPANISH!* --> perdon mi espanol
hoy es miercules. veinteseis de julio. hace nublado. estoy en bellarmine hoy para la clase intact. tengo menstrual cramps hoy. mis estudiantes son muy divertido. tengo un mitin para matanglawin. tengo ganas de comer helado de dairy queen. hahaha! tengo que comer mucho helado hoy! lols.
after intact, i had my first meeting with my pandayan friends namely steph, krista, danna and lilac. oh yeah... lilac was absent. i was making a complete fool of myself. imagine me laughing while speaking; unable to finish my statements. hahaha.
after meeting, i dropped baby giggles to the dry cleaners to have her washed after 6 months. oh dear i am going to miss her so much! i am going to get her by august one pa. sobs.
buena suerte para economicas! woohoo!
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